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Closing the global ozone yield gap: Quantification and co-benefits for multi-stress tolerance.. Global Change Biology. (Not yet assigned to an issue)
2018. Ozone pollution will compromise efforts to increase global wheat production.. Global Change Biology. 24:3560-3574.
2018. Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Present-day tropospheric ozone distribution and trends relevant to vegetation.. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 6(1):47.
2018. Have ozone effects on carbon sequestration been overestimated? A new biomass response function for wheat Biogeosciences. 11:4521-4528.
2014. Ozone - the persistent menace: interactions with the N cycle and climate change. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 9-10:9-19.
2014. Evidence of widespread effects of ozone on crops and (semi-)natural vegetation in Europe (1990-2006) in relation to AOT40-and flux-based risk maps. Global Change Biology. 17:592-613.
2011. New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 45:5064-5068.