Found 71 results
Author [ Title] Type Year Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is H and Author is Harmens, H. [Clear All Filters]
Mosses as biomonitors of atmospheric heavy metal deposition: Spatial patterns and temporal trends in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 158:3144-3156.
2010. .
2012. .
2012. Metal accumulation in mosses across national boundaries: Uncovering and ranking causes of spatial variation. Environmental Pollution. 151:377-388.
2008. Mapping correlations between nitrogen concentrations in atmospheric deposition and mosses for natural landscapes in Europe. Ecological Indicators. 36:563-571.
2014. Implications of climate change for the stomatal flux of ozone: A case study for winter wheat. Environmental Pollution. 146:763-770.
2007. Impacts of summer ozone exposure on the growth and overwintering of UK upland vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 40:4088-4097.
2006. .
2012. .
2016. .
2008. Impact of ground-level ozone on crop production in a changing climate. Climate Change and Crops.
2006. .
2015. .
2014. .
2013. .
2012. .
2011. .
2010. .
2009. .
2008. .
2007. .
2006. .
2005. .
2004. .
Heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in mosses are declining across Europe whilst some "hotspots" remain in 2010. Environmental Pollution. 200:93-104.