A busy schedule and an intensive & effective program in the 38th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting in Tirana, Albania
10th – 13th February, 2025
Pranvera Lazo
The 38th Task Force Meeting convened in a friendly environment with scientists and young scientists who have been working for a long time as part of the ICP Vegetation Program.
Scientists from Europe, the US, Canada, and Asia came together at the Task Force Meeting to discuss the latest research findings regarding air pollution and its effects on vegetation, with a primary emphasis on:
- The impacts of ozone crops and semi-natural vegetation (the ozone critical levels at which damage occurs).
- Assessment of air pollution using moss species as biomonitors (particularly relating toxic metals and persistent organic pollutants, as well as to the loads of nitrogen (N), and microplastics).
There was also some free time with catch-ups among old and new friends during breakfast in the hotel, lunch and coffee breaks, conference dinners, and also during the walk in the main boulevard and the center of Tirana on the second evening, which ended with a pleasant dinner in a traditional restaurant.
On the first day, a plenary session opened the meeting. Delegates were officially welcomed by the vice-minister of the Albanian Ministry of Education and Sports (Ana Kapaj), vice-Rector of the University of Tirana (Anila Paparisto), the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (Eglantina Kalluci), Pranvera Lazo, the local organizer of the meeting, and Felicity Hayes, Chair of ICP Vegetation who provided an overview of the work, updating attendees on progress since the last meeting.
Following a coffee break where attendees could view posters about ozone and moss, the next section informed all delegates about UNECE's current policy developments and other activities (Felicity Hayes), partnership with ESCAP (Marina Frontasyeva), MSC-E's perspectives on moss measurements for model evaluation and complex analysis of heavy metal pollution (Oleg Travnikov), metal concentration in moss compared to deposition measured at EMEP background stations in Sweden (Marta Segura Roux), and using machine learning to fill in data time series (Stefan Wallek). The morning plenary session finished with a general discussion.
Two parallel sessions (Ozone and Moss survey) took place in the afternoon.
The first presentation (Lisa Emberson) of the Ozone session dealt with the latest developments and applications of the DO3SE model. A methodology for calculating excesses of ozone dose critical levels in Spain and the results for the period 2018-2021 was then presented by Ignacio González Fernández. The next two presentations and discussions dealt with the protective effect of wood distillate against ozone phytotoxicity in ozone-sensitive plants (Andrea Vannini) and ozone impacts on soybean production, agroecosystems—and a solution, a newly developed climate-smart soybean (Ripley Tisdale). The session was closed with general discussion.
The moss survey session started with the presentation and discussion of Sébastien Leblond, which dealt with the use of lead isotopes in urban mosses to help in identifying sources of atmospheric metal contamination. Isabel Garcia Arevalo presented the integration of moss biomonitoring and GLEMOS modelling to investigate the spatial distribution and source attribution of polychromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) in Europe. This analysis demonstrates a good spatial correlation between PAH concentrations in mosses and GLEMOS-simulated deposition. The study also provides a proof-of-concept for validating source attribution in air quality models and emphasizes the role of integrated approaches in supporting policy decisions to protect vegetation and ecosystems from the adverse effects of air pollutants. Moss biomonitoring in Switzerland and pilot analysis on PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) was presented by Zaida Ehrenmann. The final presentation by Mira Aničić Urošević dealt with the use of different moss species in a single survey, highlighting that the differences in the morphological features of different moss species may cause differences in the accumulation of potentially toxic elements. For this reason, care should be taken when using multiple biomonitoring species, even of the same genus, within the same study. The session was closed with general discussion and followed by coffee break and poster viewing.
The afternoon meeting continued with two parallel sessions (Ozone and Moss survey).
The Ozone session started with the presentation of Yasutomo Hoshika regarding an O3 FACE facility, available at CNR experimental garden at Sesto Fiorentino in central Italy (FO3X), which is a unique facility in Mediterranean Europe within an Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnaEE) European research platform (see https://isia.cnrs.fr/ catalog/1/installations/61). FO3X consists of nine 5×5×2 m blocks (n = 3 replicated blocks) in which the concentrations of O3 and other stress factors (e.g., drought, nitrogen, heavy metal, salt stress) can be controlled. This facility permits the exposure of plants to three levels of O3 concentrations (ambient, 1.5- and 2.0-times ambient concentration, denoted as AA, 1.5×AA and 2.0×AA, respectively), with main environmental variables continuously monitored. This presentation introduces the future perspective of FACE facility. Giacomo Gerosa then presented a comparative analysis of the performance of i) empirical models for stomatal conductance like the Jarvis’ one, and ii) semiempirical models -like the Ball-Berry’s one- coupled with a biochemical model for photosynthesis, like the Farquhar’s one, in predicting stomatal conductance, performed on the data gathered at Bosco Fontana (Italy), a mature oak-hornbeam forest in Northern Italy. Jarvis’s parameterization of stomatal conductance can be tailor-made to fit site specific measurements, process-based models appear to be more robust and can be considered for general application. Before the general discussion, John Jones discussed regarding the Ozone impacts on carbon sequestration in mangroves.
The afternoon session of the moss survey started with the presentation and discussion of Lichens, chitin, nitrogen effects, chitin-modified HM electrochemistry and sensor development, presented by Stefan Fränzel. Riccardo Fedeli then presented the XRF as a suitable alternative to ICP-MS in routine multi-elemental composition analysis, particularly in biomonitoring applications where cost-effectiveness and simplicity are key issues. Lastly, Konstantin Vergel presented and discussed the accumulation of elements in mosses by passive versus active biomonitoring. After this section, there was a walking tour through the city center of Tirana and the main boulevard.
The second day of the meeting (Wednesday 12th February, 2025) started with a plenary session. Results from the MADAME (Microplastic Atmospheric Deposition Assessment using Moss in Europe) pilot project, were presented by Mehriban Jafarova. The study, developed during 2022, gathered moss samples from ca. 100 sites spanning 33 European countries, using a standardized collection protocol. All samples were subsequently sent to Trent University for microplastics analysis. The primary objectives of this study were to assess the abundance and characteristic (shape, size, colour, and polymer type) of MPs throughout Europe, and to evaluate the drivers of atmospheric MP contamination. For the first time, the results for all countries were presented. The next study dealt with the optimization of moss biomonitors for airborne microplastics (Mehriban Jafarova and Julian Aherne). The effects of shape and size, mass of moss, and screen mesh size of the samples on the accumulation of atmospheric microplastics were discussed. Based on the results obtained by three sampler designs (containing Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. (red-stemmed feathermoss) obtained from a rural background site) deployed in triplicate within two urbans areas in southern Ontario, Canada, cubes would be the optimal sampler for atmospheric microplastics given their larger surface area (~3×bag), greater mass of moss (3 g), and larger mesh size (6 mm). Lisa Grifoni then discussed the use of moss and lichen to monitor airborne microplastics. The ability of moss (Pseudoscleropodium purum) and lichen (Evernia prunastri) transplants collected from a remote area to accumulate microfibers (MFs) under the same deployment conditions, across a range of urban exposure sites in the city of Siena, Italy was compared. The findings indicated that both biomonitors gathered comparable quantities of microplastics, whether measured by count or mass; however, when analyzed according to surface area, lichens exhibited notably higher values. Regardless of the metric employed, there was a strong correlation between the data from moss and lichens. Stefano Loppi then addressed some key issues concerning the focus of biomonitoring: should we measure concentrations or deposition, as this significantly impacts the correlation of biomonitoring surveys with epidemiological studies. There is evidence indicating that our estimates pertain to atmospheric deposition, thus the manner in which we present the data is crucial. A more accurate estimate can be achieved by expressing the data in terms of surface area rather than weight, which also facilitates the estimation of deposition rates. The last presentation of this section addressed the differences between summer and winter active moss biomonitoring performed on 2023 in Tirana, Albania (Sonila Shehu (Kane), Biljana Balabanova, etc.)
After the coffee break and poster viewing, the discussions continued in two parallel sessions: Ozone and Moss survey.
The ozone session focused on how ozone may impact yield in different vegetation types. Reductions in methane emissions could reduce the ozone yield penalty for crops presented by Katrina Sharps; Global flux-based analysis of changes to O3 risk for wheat during the 21st century under different climate and emission scenarios presented by Pierluigi Guaita; A plant-insect-atmosphere interaction case study: differential herbivory between cyanogenic and non-cyanogenic white clover under increasing ozone levels, presented by Sara Campos-Saelices. At the end, the Ozone discussion session focused on the upcoming work plan, cooperation and priorities. The moss survey session started with the presentation and discussion of the 2020-23 moss survey in Slovakia, presented by Jana Borovská. Marina Frontasyeva presented and discussed the atmospheric deposition of radionuclides, based on passive moss biomonitoring, and lastly Omari Chaligava discussed "Tracking environmental changes in the Moscow region with mosses: from pre-pandemic to post-restriction periods." There was then a discussion session focused on the upcoming work plan, and potential cooperation with MSC-East.
The afternoon session was again separated into two parallel sessions: Ozone and Moss survey. The ozone Session started with the presentation of Anna Jones who discussed “Hyperspectral detection of ozone damage in broadleaf trees”. The impact of different levels of O3 concentration on broadleaf trees was studied using hyperspectral monitoring, and with machine learning, accurate prediction of O3 exposure of trees under natural conditions from hyperspectral leaf reflectance was achieved. Felicity Hayes then presented a summary of "Ozone impacts on crops," discussing the need for additional dose-response functions for a wider range of crops to allow more effective assessment of ozone impacts. Ozone-sensitive crops include the pulses soya, peanut, beans, cowpea and chickpea, and staple crops like wheat, potato and sweet potato. At the end, the ozone discussion session included planning for a position paper on assessing impacts of ambient ozone on vegetation. The moss survey session included three case studies regarding air quality assessment using moss biomonitoring. It started with the presentation of Musaj Paçarizi – "Biomonitoring of atmospheric deposition of potentially toxic elements in Kosovo in 2020"; continued with Inga Zinicovscaia – "Active moss biomonitoring in areas affected by ashfalls of Shiveluch volcano (Kamchatka)"; and ended with the presentation of Pranvera Lazo – "Moss biomonitoring an important tool for air quality assessment – a national study in Albania." At the end of the moss session, there was further dicussion of the workplan and potential cooperations with MSC-East.
After a final coffee break, the last plenary session started with a presentation from Ignacio González-Fernández, reporting back on the main ozone decisions/discussions and then a presentation by Caroline Meyer, reporting back on the main moss decisions/discussions. The meeting finished with final discussions, including on the work plan, decisions, and AOB. At the end of the day, a nice conference dinner was organized at the Mondial Hotel with delicious food and Albanian wine.
On the final day, Thursday 13th February, 2025, an excursion was organised to visit the ancient town of Berat. We departed from the center of Tirana at 7.15AM and arrived in the castle of Berat at 9.00. Berat is a 2,400-year-old historic town in Albania, known for its scenic beauty and rich cultural heritage, offering a glimpse into Albania's past and present. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008 and has influences from the Illyrian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods. The town is divided into two parts: Kalaja (the old town) and Mangalem (the new town), set against the backdrop of the Tomorr Mountains (which were covered in snow during our visit) and the Osum River valley. Berat castle is actually a fortified town, that used to house most of the towns inhabitants in the 13th century. It contained winding streets and many small churches. We saw from across the Osum River the Gorica neighborhood, with its characteristic houses facing the houses of Mangalem. The white houses of the Ottoman era with their many windows create a unique architectural spectacle, which has given Berat its nickname as the “Town of a Thousand Windows”. The visit to Berat and the rich and delicious lunch left participants with some happy memories and a deep appreciation for Albanian heritage.
Photos from P. Lazo
Broadening ICP Vegetation’s activity – incorporating nitrogen (N)
Four talks in the ozone and moss survey sessions discussed potential nitrogen impacts on vegetation. Felicity Hayes reflected the trend of nitrogen content in moss. A small increase in nitrogen concentration in moss tissue of 3.1% was observed over the period 2005-2020. The highest concentrations of nitrogen in moss tissue were generally found in central Europe. Ripley H. Tisdale talked about the relationship between O3 and nitrogen. The abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were found to decrease with elevated O3, which affects plant performance. However, free-living diazotrophs exhibited remarkable acclimation under elevated O3, improving plant performance by enhancing nitrogen fixation. Jana Borovská and Shaniko Allajbeu showed the nitrogen level in mosses of Slovakia (1.74 - 1.79 %) and in Albania (0.82% to 1.28%), which are higher than nitrogen content in samples from Finland, a cleaner area, are with nitrogen content lower than 0.7%. All values are greater than the natural background concentration of N in mosses (approx.0.50%), indicating effects of nitrogen atmospheric deposition in these areas. All these talks highlight the need to encourage further participation from experts on vegetation and N dynamics, especially given the moss survey’s interest in N too.
Leisure time...
Even with a comprehensive conference agenda, there was still time for some relaxation. The organizers not only arranged a pre-conference gathering but also set up a walking tour along the main boulevard and through the heart of Tirana, on the second evening of the conference. Gerald, a masters student at the Faculty of History-Philology of the University of Tirana, who led the tour in Tirana, introduced the history of Tirana and its tourist attractions. Tirana has been continuously inhabited since the Iron Age and was probably the core of the Illyrian Kingdom of the Taulanti. During the Illyrian Wars, Tirana was annexed by Rome and became an integral part of the Roman Empire. The heritage of that period is reflected in the Mosaics of Tirana. After the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the fourth century, most of Albania came under the control of the eastern Byzantine Empire. The Petrel Castle was built in this time by Justinian I. The city remained relatively insignificant until the 20th century, after the Albanian Declaration of Independence in 1912, when in 1920 the Congress of Lushnja declared Tirana as the capital of Albania. Since this time, Tirana has been through a period of significant development. Skanderbeg Square, was built between 1928 and 1929, when the famous Italian architects designed the main boulevard (built in 1930) in the center of Tirana, which includes the Square and the Ministries. Italian architects Armando Brasini, Florestano Di Fausto, Giulio Berté, Vittorio Ballio Morpurgo, etc. have left their mark in the construction of Tirana. From 1944 to 1991, massive socialist-style apartment complexes and factories were built, while Skanderbeg Square was redesigned. In 1968, on the 500th anniversary of Skanderbeg's death, a monument to the national hero Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg was erected in Skanderbeg Square.
39th ICP Vegetation Task Force Meeting
The official minutes of the 38th TFM will be circulated in due course. In the meantime, Felicity, Katrina and I look forward to continuing the collaborations across ICP Vegetation throughout 2025 and beyond. We also look forward to seeing many of you at the next Task Force Meeting (location to be decided). Keep an eye on the ICP Vegetation website for further details and do spread the word about the role ICP Vegetation plays in air pollution policy and action!